Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ready for Christmas!

We have a Christmas tree! I've been hunting for one that will fit in our little apartment, and I finally found it at Lowe's. I know it's October, but it's never too early to start shopping for Christmas stuff! I even went to Hobby Lobby and bought 3 boxes of ornaments. Only 6 more weeks until we can put it up and decorate. I found a Cowboys ornament for Cody so he has to help me decorate, even if he is just hanging the one ornament.

Cody comes home tomorrow - FINALLY! He's been in Vegas all week at a conference for work. I've been lonely, but I really haven't had much time to miss him because I've been SO busy with school. My unit plan is almost done. I only have 2 more lessons to teach.... and the music teacher is evaluating me.... weird. And now for a strange moment we had in the middle of reading "Sarah, Plain and Tall" today.

Mrs. C: Would you please take that gum out of your mouth?
Kid: No,'s not gum.
Mrs. C: Then what is it?
Kid: It's my fingernail.

Ugh.. these kids are so gross sometimes. I've seen two kids this week yank their teeth out and gush blood all over the place. Nothing grosses me out more than pulling teeth. One girl keeps telling me she throws up in her mouth a little. I mean really.. gross. I don't want to hear it, but I guess it comes with the job.....

OK - enough for today. Maybe Cody will come home with some good pictures for me to put up on here... check back...all 3 of you who read this = )

Monday, October 13, 2008

Diets Don't Work, Weight Watchers Does

YAY - so I've lost 3 pounds! I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but it does to me! As long as I see the numbers getting smaller, it will make me try harder! I have 14 more pounds to go before I reach my goal weight. I'd actually like to go lower... so we'll see how this works out first. Too bad Thanksgiving and Christmas are so soon... I'm not sure how I'll be able to resist all the yummy desserts!

Anyway - enough about being chubby... I'm offically done with 1/3 of my student teaching! I should really be halfway done - but the hurricanes messed that up. I have to do my unit plan this week...that should be interesting. And there are 79 more days until graduation. That sounds so far away. Oh well.. I'm excited!

I'll finish this with a school story. I took up a kid's note today that he was writing while I was teaching. It said, "Do you like me? Will you kiss me?" Oh the joys of teaching boys and girls who are discovering each other... haha. These kids are really cracking me up!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


The last couple of days at school were spent writing sentences with our new vocabulary words. Squall was one of them, so here's the definition and a sentence one of my students wrote:

squall (n.) - a strong gust of wind that arises very suddenly

"Do you know what a squall mean?"

I saw this and immediately started laughing because Cody and I had just talked about writing sentences like that when we were in elementary school. Our most commonly used sentence would be something more like this:

"Squall is one of our vocabulary words."

Later on in the day, I was having a conversation about the word squall to help a boy write his sentence. He kept trying to say it, but he just couldn't say it right. He said, "I don't know how y'all say that word. My teeth are too big to say it right." I've never heard that one before... it's so hard to not laugh at these kids in front of their face. Poor babies. They are so cute though! Even when we decorate the room with large wood paddles. = )

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wedding Pictures

If there is anyone out there with digital pictures from my wedding - let me know! I'd like to see them! THANKS!