Sunday, February 28, 2010

Messy Shorts!

Apparently I'm a messy person because I bought the shorts because they look a certain way. I bought them this afternoon, and I love them! They light grey-bluish and they have bleach looking drips on them. You can't tell from this picture, but in person, they really aren't that noticable either. So I bought the shorts because the bleach spots were cool looking.. I like semi-destressed looking pants/shorts. So.... I was looking on the Old Navy website to see if they had other colors they didn't have in the store and noticed they have customer reviews on their website now. I started reading the reviews for these shorts, and I felt like a really messy person! A lot of people complained that when they got their shorts, they were damaged with bleach and had to return them. Some said they were messed up in the laundry. No one liked them! I felt like a dork for a minute because I bought them BECAUSE they looked bleached... oh well. They are cute, and I'm wearing them!

It's Official...

I've really lost weight! For the past 7 weeks, I've been getting B12 + Lipotropic injections and taking an appetite suppressant. I always wondered if that would work for me. I decided at the beginning of January I was going to give it a try. My first appointment was January 8th, and I've been faithful to go back and get the injection every Friday since then.

I did think it was weird to want to get a shot once a week because I've never really been a big fan of needles, but it hasn't been bad. I hardly feel it anymore! I get such a thrill out of going there each Friday because they weigh me first thing when I get there. It's very exciting to see my weight go down each week! My first appointment I set a goal to lose 45 pounds. I hadn't thought about it before the nurse asked what my goal weight was. I just threw out a weight I was before (about 2 years ago) and she said, "Okay, you can do that!" I thought it was crazy to set that big of a goal at first, but heck - I'm 1/3 of the way there already! I can do this!!!

This past Friday was my 2nd appointment with the nurse. I'm supposed to go every 4 weeks for a nurse visit to take measurements, talk about my progress, and get my pill refilled. I didn't get an appointment when 4 weeks came around, so I had to wait a while longer. I was really excited for this 2nd visit with the nurse because of my measurements. She told me losing inches is really easy! And she was right! I've lost 6 inches total (bust, waist, and hips). I'm so excited about that! I mean... I know my brand new jeans are fitting VERY loosely, but it was just really cool to have that confirmed with measurements! I even wore the same outfit that I wore to my first appointment to make it more accurate! I'm just really excited about the weight coming off, and I am looking forward to losing more! It sometimes seems to be all I talk about, but it's just really cool right now!

On this weight loss program, I've been eating different. I wouldn't say healthy though. I still don't eat veggies like I should... but I have been cutting WAY back on how much I do eat. A lot of that comes from the appetite suppressant I'm taking, so I can't really take all of the credit for having so much self control. The pill definitely controls my hunger. Some days I could go without eating lunch even though I know it's horrible! I really try not to do that, but when I've been super busy at work, it works for me. I really haven't done it that much though. I really do notice myself getting fuller faster which is great! I wish I could do that without the pill though.. that would be nice!

Through the first 6 weeks of this, I hadn't worked out a single day and still lost all of the weight. That just goes to show you how crazy it is! But.... last week I finally started doing physical activity! Some friends of mine from church go running around in their neighborhood. I've NEVER been one to run. For one, I can't do it without my side hurting. Seriously... I could only go like 1/4 a mile before I have to quit. And sometimes my knees and/or ankles would feel like they would just give out under me. I've always been scared to run because of that. Well, last Tuesday I decided to meet up with my friends and try to run. I warned them that I'd probably be walking way behind them, but they encouraged me to give it a try anyway. They didn't tell me how long the route was until afterward. I had run 1 mile without stopping. I walked for about another 1/4 a mile at the end because my feets literally stopped running without me even knowing it.. it was kinda funny... I wasn't disappointed because I'd gone farther than ever before!

The next day, we met up again, and I ran 1.5 miles - and that time I didn't walk at all!! Thursday, I ran 2.5 miles, and Saturday morning I went 3! The rest of the girls ran 4... but I quit! haha... I wasn't feeling 4 yet, but I was proud that I did 3 without stopping! It was HARD too. I thought it was never going to end. They are trying to talk me into running the gusher May 1st, but I don't know about. They want to sign up for the 1/2 marathon which is 13.1 miles... ummm... what? I can barely do 3 without almost dying... how could I do 13.1 miles? Well.. they give you 7 hours to cross the finish line, so I could walk a lot of it I guess. It wouldn't be tooooo bad. But still... that's a long way! Not sure yet if I'll do it.. but I do know I'll keep running with my girls! It's been really fun, and I'm glad I'm finally exercising!

And... I was trying on some of my old pants tonight, and I can fit in some of them again!! WOOHOO!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My First Wedding

This weekend was my first wedding as the wedding coordinator for the church. It was a really busy weekend, but I had lots of fun doing it! Peniel Roxas and Justin Griffin are long time members of our church, and their dads are both ministers at Calvary. I've known Justin most of my life Peniel for a long time too. It was fun to be a part of their wedding!

As wedding coordinator, I don't do much planning, I just make sure everything is ready to go. I have to reserve the room they are using for the ceremony and dressing rooms. I have to get with the media guys and make sure they have everything they need. I have to get with maintenance and figure out when to open and lock doors and figure out who is cleaning when. I have to make sure on rehearsal and decorating day everything is in place. And on the wedding day I run around like crazy!! They were starting their wedding at 4:00, and boy, did that come quick! I had to race to my door to open it up, tell people when to walk, and then run back to the other door and make sure the father of the bride has his lighter (which he didn't - my fault)... it was crazy there for a little while! But we made it through! They hired another lady to coordinate also, so it was GREAT that she was there too for my first wedding! : )

Friday was the rehearsal dinner which they had in V2. Peniel and Justin went to Baylor, so it was all a green and gold theme! It turned out really cute! I didn't get a picture of the entire room which I could just kick myself for forgetting to do that! I'm trying to keep up a photo album to show brides different set ups... oh well. I did get a picture of the table though..
Saturday was a long, but really fun day! I got there early to let the flower ladies in to set up. I got a few pictures before everyone got to the church. It looked really great. During the wedding, the lights were dimmed, and it was really pretty!! Here's a few from the back of the sanctuary.
A view from the middle....
I just LOVED the flower arrangements! They were so huge and pretty!
Mr. and Mrs. Griffin!!
After the wedding, I had to wait until the pictures were done to start cleaning up. I thought clean up would take hours, so I just thought going to the recption was out of the question. I had organized the way I would clean up a couple of days before, so it made the clean up go really quickly! It took me about an hour. I had the help of 2 maintenance guys who helped me with heavy boxes and stuff that was just too heavy to carry back to the wedding closet. The media guy cleaned up his own stuff. But I was surprised that I cleared the stage and the bride's room really quickly!

I decided I would try to run over to the reception to see if I could hang out before they all left. To my surprise, right when I got there was the time when they were starting to serve dinner. So I didn't miss anything after all! I was excited to get to go! We had a great dinner, delicious cake, bubble tea (which I did not try - eww), and dancing! Now.. I usually do not dance at weddings because I just don't know how. I've never really liked it. I decided what the heck - everyone else looks like a fool, so I met up with Amber, Jerri K and Sabrina and we danced the rest of the night! It was really fun, and I'm glad I wasn't just sitting around. It's good to let loose like that every now and then! I was completely exhausted last night, and I yawned my way through church this morning! It was a fun weekend, but I'm very glad I have until May until the next wedding!!!