Sunday, January 10, 2010

One of my cat's favorite toys...

Is a DOOR STOP! And let me tell you, it's SO annoying! The only time she ever decides to start playing with the door stop in the bathroom is in the middle of the night. You know the sound it makes... boing. And she does it over and over and over! And does Cody hear it? No, of course not! I'm the only one waking up, kicking the cat out of the bathroom, and closing the door so she won't go back in to play with it. I hope this is not a sign of how it's going to be when we have kids.....

Her other favorite things to do in the middle of the night are to bite our feet if they happen to stick out of a blanket, throw her moose in the air and attack it, play with the blinds, play with the space saver bags under the bed, and walk on top of your entire body to purr in your face. But occasionally she will snuggle up next us, fall asleep, and look just as cute as ever!


Lori York said...

hahaha! Cats are so funny! Every cat I ever had wanted to play with a spring-style door stop in the middle of the night. The BOING sound that awakens you is a scary sound!!

Jeremy said...

Count yourself lucky, my friend's cat recently figured out how to open the refrigerator door!