Friday, March 13, 2009

Houston Rodeo

Yesterday, Cody and I went to the Houston Rodeo to see Brad Paisley. We didn't buy tickets beforehand because I didn't really know if I wanted to go yet. But by the end of the week, we needed a change of scenery and decided to go. You couldn't buy tickets online anymore, so we drove out anyway hoping to get tickets at the gate. We paid for parking and FROZE out butts off walking to the gate! It was sooooo cold, and it was starting to sprinkle on us. We definitely didn't pack our suitcases on Sunday for this kind of weather. At least we brought a jacket, but it wasn't warm enough! Once we got the gate, they had tickets!! I was excited. We headed straight for the exhibit stuff because it was nice and warm in there. We watched the chicks hatch from their eggs. We go see that every time we go to the rodeo. We actually saw one chick with it's head stuck in the egg shell. It was sad to watch, but he finally got out! We looked at the huge cows and watched some kids show their cows.
After a while, it was getting ready for the rodeo to start, so we went to get some food. They actually had a Freebird's there this time, so we each had our 2nd burrito this week! And it was delicious. After dinner, we hurried over to Reliant Stadium to get warm, but we had to walk up the giant ramps outside to get to our seats. It was windy, freezing and miserable. We got the cheap seat tickets (that's all that was left) so we sat in the highest section possible and it was way up there! We made it to our seats, but it was freezing up there still, so we pretty much stayed cold the entire night. We had a good time though! I did anyway - Cody.... not so much. But I do have to say I have a great husband who will walk through the cold wind with me not even knowing if we could get tickets, and on top of that - he sat through a country concert with me! He HATES country music, so it's always nice of him to go with me to the rodeo.

Here's a picture from our seats...

This is my new favorite rodeo event! It's called Mutton Bustin'. Little boys who are 4-6 years old hang on to the sheep for dear life and they let the sheep run off. It's like bull riding for kids. They have to hang on, but they usually don't last long. It was so cute..

It's hard to get a picture of Brad Paisley from our seats...

He's so cute! Don't tell Cody.... haha


Amy and Matthew said...

How fun! :) I love Brad Paisley...and I've never been to the rodeo! I want to watch chics hatch!

Julia and Cody said...

Ok Amy - we'll have to go together next year. Cody would probably prefer that. He really doesn't enjoy it.. haha.