Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weight Loss Update

Well... it's not been 4 months since I've started the B-12 injections, and I'm down 25.5 pounds and 10.5 inches! It's weird to think that I've lost that much! I mean... last fall I wasn't able to see the need for losing weight. I just kept gaining weight. I definitely knew it was happening, but I just didn't care to make it stop. I never really got on the scale to see how much I weighed because I honestly didn't want to know. Now that I've lost the 25 lbs. it's almost weird to think I had that much to lose and then some!! It just shows me how unhealthy I had been in the last year to let myself get that huge!

I'm getting to the point where people notice that I've lost weight and they don't know all I've been doing to try to lose it. It makes me feel accomplished when other people notice my efforts.. and this is a huge effort! I feel wonderful!!

My favorite thing about losing the weight these days is the clothes! Because I'm lazy, I never took a bag of clothes to Goodwill. They must have been sitting in my closet for about 4 months now. Back then I had cleaned out my drawers of all the small pants that I knew would never fit me again. I'm so glad I never took those clothes in! I dug through that bag last week and found a practically brand new pair of Express jeans that FIT!!!!!!!!! And... they are 2 sizes smaller than the jeans I got for Christmas!! I found about 4 pairs of pants that I can fit into again in that bag... I was super happy that night! About 1 1/2 years ago I bought some black Express pants (the best black pants I've found that fit me good), but very soon after I bought them I grew out of them. I just found them at the bottom of my drawer the other night, and they are actually a little baggy on me! It's a great feeling to fit into old clothes again! Tonight I bought a plastic bin to put all of my "fat clothes" into. I'm not throwing them away just in case... not that I plan on gaining the weight back, but you never know what kids will do to your body...

Can you tell a differnce?
This picture is from August 2009.This is from April 2010.


Carrie Murphy said...

Way to go! I wish I was right there with ya...but nope...I'm just stuck. Maybe this summer I will lose a little weight...hmmm...maybe.

Gloria said...

I can tell a difference. I'm proud of you. Did you read my blog?